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Friday, October 12, 2012

simple finger style exercises

As I'm recovering from an injured left arm that's left me able to practice only for short periods of time, I've come up with some fairly simple exercises I can do on just open strings. Hey, if I can squeeze in another 5 minutes every time I pick up the guitar, all the better!

Except where indicated, use free-strokes for everything. Don't worry about playing them fast; just play them clean. Feel free to repeat any part of any exercise as many times as you'd like or to play them with chords.

(click on the images to enlarge)

1 - Rest-Stroke vs. Free-Stroke

2 - Arpeggiating
(This can also be done using all 4 fingers. I was just too lazy to write it out.)

 3 - Tremolo

 4 - Tremolo With The Thumb

As usual, feel free to play around with different variations and make the exercises your own and have fun!

Brant Grieshaber - guitarist
Guitar Teacher